Eleventh International Water Technology Conference

Eleventh International Water Technology Conference

Eleventh International Water Technology Conference

 IWTC11 2007 Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt



 water is the most limiting factor for crops’ productivity.

Unfortunately, water resources in Egypt are becoming scarce. Surface-water resources

originating from the Nile are now fully exploited, while groundwater resources are


The objectives of this study are mainly concerned with a descriptive and quantitative

analysis of the available land and groundwater resources in Egypt. Besides,

determining suggested cropping patterns in desert lands on the light of groundwater


To fulfill the study main goals, a non-linear programming model was applied to

achieve this purpose considering groundwater constraints. The objective function is

concerned with maximizing the net revenue of the irrigation groundwater per unit.

This study depends of secondary data collected from different sources.

The results of this study show that, among the cropping patterns obtained by the five

models, the third model is the best cropping pattern because it maximizes the net

profit, followed by the fourth model. These two models save approximately 45.8% and

35.5% of the available groundwater resources for a hundred of years respectively.

Although the first and the second models save approximately 61.4% and 54.2% of

groundwater consumption respectively, these two models reduce the net revenue,

estimated at approximately 26.9% and 36.0% out of the highest net revenue



Egypt is predominantly desert and only 5% of Egypt‘s total land is cultivated and

permanently settled. It is well-known that soil and water are fundamental resources for

agriculture. Supplying adequate quantities of water together with fertile soil enable

farmers achieve successful agriculture.

Eleventh International Water Technology Conference, IWTC11 2007 Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt


However, water is the most limiting factor for crops’ productivity. Unfortunately,

water resources in Egypt are becoming scarce. Surface-water resources originating

from the Nile are now fully exploited, while groundwater resources are limited. As a

natural resource, groundwater is difficult to be managed. Despite land reclamation, the

main obstacle in desert reclamation is supplying irrigation water. This fact clarifies the

importance of exploiting other water resources such as groundwater.

The problem of this study is concerned with the use of surface water resources in

agricultural horizontal expansion, especially in desert lands, that doesn’t have high

revenues because of the high costs of pumping groundwater to the surface for

irrigation use furthermore, cultivating unsuitable crops in accordance with the

available irrigation water and thus, reducing water productivity.

The objectives of this study are mainly concerned with a descriptive and quantitative

analysis of the available land and groundwater resources in Egypt. Besides,

determining suggested cropping patterns in desert lands on the light of groundwater


To fulfill the study main goals, a non-linear programming model was applied to

achieve this purpose considering groundwater constraints. This study depends of

secondary data collected from different sources.


This study aims at suggesting the cropping patterns that can maximize the groundwater

use efficiency. The objective function of the non–linear programming model is

concerned with maximizing the net revenue of the irrigation groundwater per unit.

The constraints of this model concerned with groundwater resources are 12

constraints; groundwater use in irrigation in the field per month, available groundwater

estimated at 4 billion cubic meters (B.C.M.) annually; assuming water requirements

for one feddan in the desert is estimated at approximately 7500 cubic meters (C.M.)

annually and finally water consumption for the cultivated crops.

The constraint of this model concerned with land resources is the cultivated area in

desert lands that doesn’t exceed 533 thousand feddans annually, taking into

consideration cultivating an area estimated at 220 thousand feddans for the first model,

to be increased by 20% in the second model, then by another 20% in the third model

and this method is also applied for the fourth and fifth models. This cultivated area

includes winter, summer and permanent crops.

The non-linear programming model depends on the agricultural activities supply

function as following:


Egypt, covering approximately one million squared kilometers of land is

geographically divided into four main divisions:

1- The Nile Valley & Delta,

which covers an area of about 40 thousand squared kilometers (9.5 million

feddans), representing 4.0% of Egypt’s land surface. The Nile Valley covers an

area of 11 thousand squared kilometers. The Nile Delta covers an area of about 29

thousand squared kilometers.

2- The Western Desert,

which covers an area of about 681 thousand squared kilometers (162.1 million

feddans), representing 68.1% of Egypt’s land surface. This immense desert to the

west of the Nile spans the area from the Mediterranean Sea south to the Sudanese

border. This region is the driest one in Egypt. It is famous for winds. This region

consists of three plateaus, separated by two depressions:

a. The Nubian Plateau, where the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System (NSAS)

extends below. Dakhla and Kharga Depressions are located in this Plateau.

b. The Middle Plateau, where Farafra and Baharyia Depressions are located.

c. The Northern Plateau, where Wadi El Natrun and Qattara Depressions and Siwa

Oasis are located.

3- The Eastern Desert,

which covers an area of about 223 thousand squared kilometers (53.1 million

feddans), representing 22.3% of Egypt’s land surface.

4- Sinai Peninsula,

which covers an area of about 56 thousand squared kilometers (13.3 million

feddans), representing 5.6% of Egypt’s land surface as shown in table (1) and

represented in figure (1).

3- The suggested cropping pattern obtained by the third model:

The total suggested cropping area is estimated at 317 thousand feddans, representing

59.4% of the area to be cultivated in desert lands and irrigated by the available

groundwater resources in the long term. 30.0% of this area is completely cultivated by

fruits and date palms and the rest area is cultivated by cereals, vegetables, fodders and

oil crops in winter. Meanwhile, in the summer 75.0% of this area is cultivated by

cereals, vegetables, fodders and seasonings, leaving 25.0% as an uncultivated area.

The average water consumption for the cropping pattern obtained by this model is

estimated at 2169 M.C.M. annually. Water consumption for fruits is estimated at 713

M.C.M, representing 32.9% of the available irrigation groundwater for the cropping

pattern obtained by this model. Meanwhile, water consumption for winter season crops

is estimated at 832 M.C.M, representing 38.3% of the available irrigation groundwater

for the cropping pattern obtained by this model. However, water consumption for

summer season crops is estimated at 624 M.C.M, representing 28.8% of the available

irrigation groundwater for the cropping pattern obtained by this model. In addition, the

average of net revenue for the cropping pattern obtained by this model is estimated at

L.E. 4252.

4- The suggested cropping pattern obtained by the fourth model:

The total suggested cropping area is estimated at 380 thousand feddans, representing

71.3% of the area to be cultivated in desert lands and irrigated by the available

groundwater resources in the long term. 25.0% of this area is completely cultivated by

fruits and date palms and the rest area is cultivated by cereals, vegetables, fodders and

oil crops in winter. Meanwhile, in the summer 75.0% of this area is cultivated by

cereals, vegetables, fodders and medical plants, leaving 25.0% as an uncultivated area.

The average water consumption for the cropping pattern obtained by this model is

estimated at 2586 M.C.M. annually. Water consumption for fruits is estimated at 712

M.C.M, representing 27.6% of the available irrigation groundwater for the cropping

pattern obtained by this model. Meanwhile, water consumption for winter season crops

is estimated at 1071 M.C.M, representing 41.4% of the available irrigation

groundwater for the cropping pattern obtained by this model. However, water

consumption for summer season crops is estimated at 803 M.C.M, representing 31.0%

of the available irrigation groundwater for the cropping pattern obtained by this model.

In addition, the average of net revenue for the cropping pattern obtained by this model

is estimated at L.E. 4105.

5- The suggested cropping pattern obtained by the fifth model:

The total suggested cropping area is estimated at 533 thousand feddans, representing

100.0% of the area to be cultivated in desert lands and irrigated by the available

groundwater resources in the long term. 20.0% of this area is completely cultivated by

fruits and date palms and the rest area is cultivated by cereals, vegetables, fodders and

oil crops in winter. Meanwhile, in the summer 75.0% of this area is cultivated by

cereals, vegetables, fodders and medical plants, leaving 25.0% as an uncultivated area.

Eleventh International Water Technology Conference, IWTC11 2007 Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt


The average water consumption for the cropping pattern obtained by this model is

estimated at 3597 M.C.M. annually. Water consumption for fruits is estimated at 799.5

M.C.M, representing 22.2% of the available irrigation groundwater for the cropping

pattern obtained by this model. Meanwhile, water consumption for winter season crops

is estimated at 1599 M.C.M, representing 44.4% of the available irrigation

groundwater for the cropping pattern obtained by this model. However, water

consumption for summer season crops is estimated at 1198.5 M.C.M, representing

33.4% of the available irrigation groundwater for the cropping pattern obtained by this

model. In addition, the average of net revenue for the cropping pattern obtained by this

model is estimated at L.E. 3963.

As indicated in table (9) and represented in figure (4), the cultivated area in the

cropping pattern suggested by the first model is estimated at approximately 220

thousand feddans. However, the cultivated area in the second model is estimated at

approximately 264 thousand feddans, representing an increase of 20%. The cultivated

area in the third model is estimated at approximately 317 thousand feddans,

representing an increase of 20%. Meanwhile, the cultivated area in the fourth model is

estimated at approximately 380 thousand feddans, representing an increase of 20%,

whereas the cultivated area in the fifth model is estimated at approximately 533

thousand feddans, representing an increase of 20%, reaching the maximum of

cultivated irrigated by the available groundwater resources in the long term.


 More emphasis should be placed on the importance of selecting new strains and

varieties of different crops that tolerate bad weather conditions. Besides, cultivating

wind breakers.

 Water should be introduced in the economic accounting of the various agricultural

uses. Hence, a system of cost recovery to maintain the irrigation system can be


 Establishing productivity stations in desert lands to make use of available


 More effort should be directed to designing a cropping pattern map for Egypt

according to specific crop rotations suitable for the available groundwater within

its safe use so as to achieve efficient use of water irrigation.

 The scientific and technical capabilities of the integrated planning for sustainable

and environmental sound use of groundwater should be enhanced.

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